Max + MITCH for physical interactions

Sonic Interaction Design, with Stefano Delle Monache, Roberto Bortoletto and Daniele Carniello (221e)

Max + MITCH for physical interactions


The workshop goes post-screen by introducing sonic and tangible channels to the palette of visual interaction. Strategies for designing rich sonic interactions are demonstrated on the Cycling '74 MAX environment with MITCH (Multipurpose InerTial CHamaleon), wearable board for gesture-based interaction and motion capture by 221e.

MITCH is a state-of-the-art scalable inertial data acquisition platform that can be integrated with different sensing peripherals making it suitable for a wide range of applications.

MITCH can measure acceleration, angular rate and magnetic field. The embedded algorithms ease the use of our plug and play sensors for the measurement of foot pressure points (YETI peripheral), distance and proximity (TOF peripheral), heart rate and pulse-oximetry (PPG peripheral).

MaxMsp Screen


  • MaxMsp
  • MITCH SDK (221e)


Workshop Material